Abbotsford police are warning drivers to be on the lookout for a big, bearded cyclist they believe is faking collisions to scam middle-aged women out of cash.

Const. Ian MacDonald said investigators have received three recent complaints about the alleged fraudster, who they believe scopes out entrances to malls and shopping centres in the downtown area and then throws his bicycle in front of cars while the drivers are looking the other way.

"He's not harmed but he's laying on the ground, flopping and screaming and swearing," MacDonald told

The cyclist then allegedly promises the driver he won't report the crash to police or ICBC as long as she pays him on the spot.

"Pretty much whatever you happen to have in your purse will suffice," MacDonald said. "Anything from $20 to $100 would commonly remedy the problem."

The most recent police report came in on April 3. The suspect uses a bike that was damaged in a real collision and appears to be targeting women over the age of 50 who are driving by themselves.

Police believe that more women have been scammed by the man, and only those who have refused to pay up are actually calling police. One woman told investigators that she actually watched him push his bike in front of her car when he thought she wasn't looking.

Investigators believe that when the scam doesn't work out, the suspect takes down the driver's licence plate number and calls ICBC, forcing the victim into a "he said, she said" battle.

MacDonald said that the man has nine current claims with the insurance corporation involving crashes on his bike.

"We don't think it is mathematically possible that he is getting in this many collisions. He would be the unluckiest person in the world," MacDonald said.

The biker is described as 5-11 tall, 220 pounds and in his 50s with a heavy grey beard.

"He kind of looks like a bad Santa," MacDonald said.

He added that the cyclist is known to police for a string of petty crimes, including fraud, and said that anyone who thinks they might be a victim of the scam should call police.