A vicious attack on a lesbian couple in East Vancouver is being investigated as a possible hate crime.

Jacqueline Clarke and Ali Matson said a heavyset man followed them when they stepped off a city bus on Commercial Dr. and Hastings St. at around 7 p.m. Wednesday.

Without warning, the man charged at them, grabbed Matson by the shoulder and began punching her face as Clarke looked on in horror.

“I was standing behind her and his big fist is mashing into her face and he’s screaming at her, ‘Shut up, just shut up,’’ Clarke told CTV News.

When Clarke tried to intervene, the assailant turned on her and began punching her repeatedly, calling the women “sluts” until a handful of Good Samaritans took notice and scared him away.

The couple believes the man was upset because they’d been showing affection on the bus, holding hands and lightly kissing.

“There was no other explanation than he saw us being a couple and not being ashamed of it,” Matson said.

“The only thing I can think of is it’s homophobia, misogyny – just hate.”

Bus passengers tried to snap photos of the man, who fled on foot south down Commercial Dr., but only managed to capture him from behind.

The couple describes the suspect as Caucasian, 6-2 or 6-3 tall and at least 220 lbs.

The Vancouver Police Department said no suspects have been arrested, but confirmed its Hate Crimes Unit is investigating the case.

With a report from CTV British Columbia’s Lisa Rossington