A B.C. mountain biking group is asking "rogue trail builders" to squeeze the brakes on what it calls a challenge for the community.
The Fraser Valley Mountain Bikers Association addressed these builders in a post online, saying the trails are affecting the group's image and that builders could face consequences.
"We love your passion! In fact, your passion is in part what motivates us," the group wrote.
"But we need to talk."
The FVMBA said a number of people have laid down new lines and stunts in the Fraser Valley. While the association understands the appeal, the actions have an "enormous negative impact on the process of bringing land managers to the table," it said.
Those working to expand the trail network must also work within other rules and regulations from Indigenous groups and government.
"It is true rogue trails created the foundation of mountain biking; however, we must recognize that we have a social, and environmental responsibility to ensure that our actions are not impacting our environment in an undesirable manner."
Whoever is building the trails is asked to stop immediately, or to contact the FVMBA if they aren't sure of local land use agreements.
Should those people continue to build without permission, they will be held accountable. Their actions, especially on Crown land, could violate the province's Forest and Range Practices Act, the group says.