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Valuable stolen statue found in Vancouver SRO


A 200-pound life-sized bronze sculpture of a horse's head that was stolen from The Gallery George on West Hastings Street more than two weeks ago has been found in one piece and without a scratch.

The gallery's owner was informed late Monday night, when it was discovered just blocks away on West Pender Street.

"I was told by the constable that it was being sold to somebody in an SRO for about $500, and that person called it in," explained Theresa Mura.

"I was just so elated and so happy and so relieved, and the first thing I did was called the artist," she said.

The statue by Richard Forbes, which took three men and a hydraulic lift to get into the gallery, was stolen seemingly in a flash on Nov. 14.

Vancouver police told CTV News they traced the suspect's steps after speaking with witnesses and viewing surveillance footage.

They couldn't confirm someone was trying to sell the horse, but said that wouldn't be unusual for this type of crime.

"They are quite often quickly transferred to another person, sold sometimes for pennies on the dollar, after that held in a place before it can be moved again and resold," said Sgt. Steve Addison.

The VPD is confident they will catch the thief or thieves, who used a cart to haul the horse away.

The gallery, meanwhile, is trying to raise money to replace the custom door that was damaged during the heist, and to pay for better security. Top Stories

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