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TikTok video shows young men blocking RCMP vehicle in Surrey, B.C., parking lot


Behaviour displayed in a recent TikTok video showing young men blocking an RCMP officer from leaving a Surrey, B.C., parking lot is "unacceptable" and could lead to criminal charges, authorities say.

The recording was captured Sunday night outside a business complex in the city's Strawberry Hill neighbourhood, near a busy movie theatre, and shows a tense confrontation between the group and the lone officer.

The caption alleges the officer was "racist" and "a bully," though it's unclear why based on the events depicted in the video. CTV News has reached out to the poster for more details.

The recording does show the Mountie refusing to give his name and badge number when asked, and tossing a sheet of paper at one of the men. 

At one point, the officer is seen trying to drive out of the parking lot while a number of people appear to obstruct his way. As the vehicle eventually begins to drive off, a man yells, "This guy hit me! This guy hit me!"

Cpl. Vanessa Munn, spokesperson for the Surrey RCMP detachment, said the officer was called to the parking lot after the complex's security staff complained of a vehicle with "an extremely loud and disruptive exhaust system (that) had been unnecessarily driving around the parking lot and causing a disturbance for the preceding three hours."

One person received a ticket and was ordered to get a vehicle inspection.

"The behaviour of the group escalated as the officer re-entered his police vehicle and attempted to leave. Persons involved blocked the police vehicle, attempted to open the driver’s door and could be heard swearing and name calling while filming the incident," Munn said.

"Nuisance behaviour" around the complex has been an ongoing problem, she added, with authorities receiving reports of everything from large gatherings to fights to vehicle stunting.

"Everyone has the right to feel safe going anywhere in our city, especially a large business complex with a movie theater that caters to families. Surrey RCMP will continue with enforcement efforts to curb nuisance behaviour in that complex," Munn said.

People who believe they were ticketed in error can dispute their fine through the City of Surrey's website. Concerning interactions with RCMP officers can also be reported to the federal Civilian Review and Complaints Commission Top Stories

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