Volunteers from the Lynn Valley Lions Club were up at the crack of dawn to prepare a pancake breakfast for thousands to kick off North Vancouver's Canada Day celebrations.

A plate of pancakes and a side of ham went for $5, with proceeds going to support the charity work the club does throughout the year.

"Everyone's excited to pitch in and support the community," said club president Eric Miura. "We're really growing right now and it's great to see the volunteers out."

Members of the Canadian Forces were on hand as well, setting up tents for breakfast patrons to dine under, and helping cadets prepare for their role in the annual Canada Day parade that winds through the Lonsdale neighbourhood.

"Today is our country's day. Canadians tend to be a little more subtle with our patriotism but today's the day we get to let it fly," said Sgt. Jason Feasby.

Ten-year-old Siya made the trip from Abbotsford to take part in the North Vancouver event – handing out small Canadian flags.

"I was over there and I wanted to get one," she said pointing at a nearby table. "And they let me hand them out."

Thousands lined the streets – with many heading to the nearby Royal Canadian Legion for a post-parade barbecue.