Two of 17 plaques created to preserve the history of an army base along the legacy trail in Chilliwack, B.C., have been stolen.

"It's really disconcerting. It's like a dagger through the heart," Jim Harris of the Chilliwack Historical Society told CTV News.

The thefts come about a week after a plaque dedicated to the memory a Canadian veteran soldier was stolen from the nearby cenotaph.

"It hurts and I often wonder what do current military members think when they seen this kind of desecration going on," Harris said.

Police don't have any suspects yet, but believe whoever stole the plaques plan on selling them for scrap metal.

"We do know right now we are experiencing issues with metal theft and wire theft," Const. Lea-Anne Dunlop said.

The thieves could be in for a nasty surprise -- the plaques were made to look like brass, and while it will cost about $4000 a piece to replace them, their metal value sits at just $2.

Police have been checking with scrap metal dealers, but nothing has come up so far.

"If somebody knows something about it and they can lead us to recovering these plaques, I would personally offer a reward," Harris said.

In the meantime, police and the Historical Society are looking at ways of better securing the plaques.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Michele Brunoro