It took Canada’s scandalized mayor Rob Ford less than 24 hours on the West Coast before getting himself in trouble with the police.

According to his communications staff the Toronto mayor was ticketed for jaywalking Friday evening in Coquitlam. He didn’t receive any other tickets that night.

The spotlight on the country’s most controversial mayor shone on Vancouver this weekend from the moment he landed at Vancouver International Airport Friday morning.

The mayor is in the city to attend the funeral of a friend’s mother, but despite the private nature of his visit, he couldn’t avoid the public’s attention for long.

Social media was abuzz Friday evening as Ford was seen out at Foggy Dew Irish Pub in Coquitlam, and pictures of him surrounded by crowds of people began surfacing.

The mayor has previously admitted to smoking crack cocaine and is currently named in a lawsuit where his former brother-in-law, Scott MacIntyre, alleges Ford arranged to have him attacked in a jailhouse beating. Those accusations have not been proven in court.