VANCOUVER - A B.C. Supreme Court judge has ruled in favour of Trinity Western University's fight to have its law students practise in the province, reversing the law society's decision not to accredit graduates.

Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson chided the Law Society of B.C. for breaching its duty of procedural fairness.

He said in his decision released Thursday that the society's board of directors were inappropriately blinded by the views of its members in choosing not to accredit Trinity's law school graduates.

The university has come under fire because it requires all students to sign a so-called covenant pledging to abstain from sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman.

Trinity's policy is also being challenged in other provinces by law societies that don't wish to accredit graduates for the same reason.

B.C. Law Society president Ken Walker says the decision is important to the public and the legal profession and that the society will consult its legal counsel about next steps.