Despite all the buzz, the controversy, and a trio of fuzzy mascots, nearly four in ten Canadians don't know where the Olympics will be held in 2010, according to a recent poll.

People across Canada were asked to name the location of the Olympics in 2010, and only 66 per cent correctly identified Vancouver and Whistler, according to the poll commissioned by VANOC, the Vancouver Olympic organizing committee.

Nearly every person in B.C. knew the right answer.

The level of awareness was less than 60 per cent in Atlantic Canada and Quebec, and less than 70 per cent in Ontario, said VANOC spokeswoman Renee Smith-Valade, noting that complete survey results will be released in the next few weeks.

"We don't look at the 50s and say, 'Oh, we've got a lot of work to do there.' We just recognize that the farther you get from B.C., the less there may be the halo effect of the things we're doing here," said Smith-Valade.

That's prompted the organizers to bring the fuzzy mascots and a handful of Canadian athletes to Halifax on Monday to announce details of the cross-Canada torch relay in a bid to boost the games' profile.

Smith-Valade said VANOC will be reaching out to all regions of the country as the Games approach.

"We wanted to make the announcement in Halifax because the Games really are for all Canadians and we want to share the message right across the country," she said.

"We're going to be making announcements and having a strong presence in all markets across the country in the next two years."

As expected, the numbers in Western Canada were much higher: more than 70 per cent in Saskatchewan, above 80 in Alberta and well into the 90s in British Columbia.

On average, the latest figures are more than 10 percentage points higher than a federal government survey that asked the same question in June 2007.

Correct responses in that poll ranged from 43 per cent in Quebec to 68 per cent in Alberta. Nearly every respondent in B.C. knew the right answer.

The most recent poll, conducted over four days in November, surveyed 1,679 people and is considered accurate within 2.4 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. The margin of error increases for regional results.

The Vancouver Olympics will be held from Feb. 12 to 28, 2010, while the Paralympic Games will run from March 12 to 21.

With files from The Canadian Press