Dozens of people are homeless after a massive fire apartment near the Guildford shopping mall in Surrey sent residents scrambling for safety on Friday. As many as 24 firefighters were called to fight the blaze.

The fire ripped through a three-storey complex at 15288 100th Ave. at 152nd St. Surrey fire investigators say it appears to have started in a third floor suite and spread quickly. Dozens of residents were evacuated from the building, including an elderly woman who had to be rescued right off her balcony.

Investigators say the fire has affected dozens of units in the building. "From my understanding there are about 50 or 60 units involved. Everybody has been evacuated and they've been put onto a bus for comfort." said Deputy Chief Dan Barnscher of the Surrey Fire Department.

He added that emergency social services are now helping the stranded residents.

Fire crews say part of the problem is this older building does not have sprinklers and that several suites have been gutted by this fire.

With a report by CTV British Columbia's Michele Brunoro