Police are reminding drivers to leave their phones alone after one misbehaving motorist was slapped with two distraction tickets just minutes apart in Metro Vancouver.

The driver, who was behind the wheel of a Dodge Journey, was first caught using an electronic device at 12:20 p.m. Tuesday in New Westminster.

Despite being dinged a hefty fine, the stubborn motorist was nabbed again for the same offence a mere seven minutes later.

The New Westminster Police Department's traffic department posted both tickets to Twitter Wednesday, noting the driver earned a whopping $736 in fines and eight penalty points – enough to add $520 to the culprit’s annual ICBC insurance.

It will also qualify the motorist for the Driver Risk Premium, which, as of March 1, is applied to anyone caught driving distracted twice in a three-year period.

Altogether, the reckless behaviour will likely cost $1,996 on top of regular insurance premiums.

Sadly, even with B.C.’s burdensome financial penalties, it seems there is little police can do to keep motorists off their devices.

Earlier this month, officers on the North Shore dished out 74 distraction tickets during a two-hour period, despite a large roadside sign they had put up reading, "Police ahead – Stay off your phone."