A fallen Abbotsford police officer never got to realize his dream of climbing Mount Baker, but his children and colleagues have kept the dream alive.
Fifteen hikers, include the children and fellow officers of the late Const. John Davidson started their climb of the 3,300-metre mountain on Sunday. They reached the summit just before 9 a.m. on Monday.
The Abbotsford Police Department's shared a tweet Monday announcing Const. Jason Baskin's arrival at the peak.
"Our #AbbyPD team has reached the #MtBaker summit this morning at 8:43 am!!" the post read. "We look forward to sharing stories, memories & pictures!! Wishing our hikers a safe journey home!"
The team spent months training for their journey in honour of Davidson, who was shot and killed in the line of duty back in 2017.
Oscar Arfmann, 66, is currently on trial for first-degree murder in Davidson's death.