If you plan on taking your pet to your cabin or on a summer vacation you may want to consider investing in some safety gear and supplies for your furry friend.
Many dogs love to get wet. Although swimming is an instinct for some, any deep body of water can be dangerous for your pooch. To protect your pet you can purchase a doggie life jacket, which will help your canine stay above water should it decide to take a plunge.
On your way to the beach you can make sure your pet is buckled in safely with a pet safety harness. The device will stop your pet from becoming a flying projectile in the vehicle.
"With sudden stops the dog will not end up flying away through the through the window and in some instances we will actually keep the dog on the back seat," said Zoran Kondzulovic, store manager at Pet Smart.
Fireworks are more common during the summer months, but many dogs cower at the sights and sounds of them. The Thunder Shirt is a product that can help skittish animals calm down. It’s a flannel swaddling wrap with adjustable Velcro straps.
"It is like a constant hug to the dog and this feature actually has a calming affect on our pets on the dogs and the cats," said Kondzulovic.
PetSmart claims the thunder shirt has an 80 per cent success rate. It also helps calm animals who suffer from separation anxiety and don't like being left home alone.
And of course, you can’t forget about summer fashions for your dog. Hawaiian shirts from Tommy Bahama and designer sundresses from Bret Michaels’ can help to protect your four legged friend from getting sunburned.
Dog’s eyes need UV protection too, which a pair of doggles – sunglasses for dogs -- can help provide.
"They're especially important if we are taking the dog on the water because of the glare that will actually come from the water," said Kondzulovic
To keep your dog hydrated during hot weather, you can use a doggie water bottle that clips to your belt while you're hiking or at the beach. When the dog is thirsty, you just lift up the bottle and the case becomes a bowl.