New speed limit signs that change depending on weather conditions were activated in three B.C. corridors Thursday morning.

The speed limit will change on sections of the Coquihalla, Sea to Sky and the Trans-Canada highways near Revelstoke according to weather conditions.

"It is important drivers understand that along these corridors, these signs aren't 'speed readers', they are the law,” said Transportation Minister Todd Stone in a release.

The speed limit will change on sections of the Coquihalla, Sea to Sky and the Trans-Canada highways near Revelstoke according to weather conditions.

Eighteen signs have been installed along Highway 1 from Perry River to Revelstoke, 13 along the Coquihalla from Portia Interchange to the former Toll Plaza, and 16 along the Sea to Sky from Squamish to Whistler.

West Vancouver-Sea to Sky MLA Jordan Sturdy said many B.C. highways pass through varying climate zones.

"Motorists that drive Highway 99 are familiar with rapidly changing weather conditions, where it is not uncommon to experience sunny and dry conditions, as well as rain, sleet or a full-blown snowstorm somewhere along the way,” Sturdy said in a release.

Overhead message signs at the corridor entrances will alert drivers to changing weather conditions and flashing amber lights on the variable signs will be activated when a reduced speed limit is in effect.

A system of traffic, pavement and visibility sensors are calibrated to detect weather conditions and recommend a speed to operations staff at the Regional Traffic Management Centre in Coquitlam.

Drives who disobey a posted variable speed limit can be fined between $138 and $483 and three penalty points.

"Speeding is the leading cause of fatal car crashes in our province," said chief constable Neil Dubord, chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Safety Committee in a release. "Seven out of ten speed-related crashes are related to driving too fast for the road conditions. Police across B.C. are urging drivers to be alert, slow down and adjust their driving for the conditions."