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Ukrainian-Canadian set to cycle across Canada to raise funds for war-torn country

Dariy Khrystyuk with is seen with his bike and flag, ready to ride across Canada. Dariy Khrystyuk with is seen with his bike and flag, ready to ride across Canada.

Dariy Khrystyuk traveled to Vancouver from Quebec by plane, but plans to return on two wheels.

"I'll be biking about 100 kilometres a day," said the 23-year-old, whose previous longest ride was 150 km total.

The Ukrainian-Canadian is set to cycle more than 5,000 km in honour of his homeland.

"It's a big ride for me, but I'm sure that if Ukraine can resist Russia for over a year, then I'm sure I'm capable of biking from Vancouver to Quebec," said Khrystyuk.

Since the Russian invasion more than a year ago, the U.N. believes at least 8,000 Ukrainians have died and estimates the damage to buildings and infrastructure to be upwards of $400 billion.

Khrystyuk says he's never felt more proud of his heritage and is dedicating the ride to help rebuild his home country.

"To raise money for reconstruction for war damages in Ukraine," Khrystyuk told CTV News.

He's set up a GoFundMe and is promoting the ride on his social media pages. He's hoping to raise $4 per kilometre, the equivalent of just over $21,000.

Elena Khvostova connected with Khrystyuk through the tight-knit Ukrainian community. She's hosting Khrystyuk on the west coast and helping organize places for him to sleep and eat during his journey.

"We say Ukraine is just one big family," said Khvostova. "At this point we all support each other, so the fact that someone is willing to take on this challenge to go and ride 5,300 kilometres from coast to coast, that's fantastic -- all for a cause of Ukraine."

Equipped with food, a sleeping bag, mattress, tent, bear mace and a Ukrainian flag which he wears as a cape, Khrystyuk plans to arrive in Levis, Quebec by late June. Top Stories

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