Like most property owners, the cost of renovations is the main factor in deciding whether to spruce up the kitchen or add an addition.

But for the B.C. Pavilion Corporation, price is no object -- as long as Vancouver council plays along.

Corporation chair David Podmore says Vancouver's landmark air-supported domed stadium, B.C. Place, is 25 years old and badly in need of upgrades. He says improvements, including replacing the stadium's Teflon roof, could be paid for by allowing development on other corporation lands surrounding B.C. Place.

He has asked the city to consider amending its False Creek North Official Development Plan by the end of the year to allow commercial and residential development on the prime downtown property.

Podmore hopes the city acts quickly so proceeds from any developments can fund completion of the first stadium upgrades by 2010.

B.C. Place is booked for 200 days every year and generates an economic impact of $58 million.