They're here with their maps, their cameras, and their money. Since Torino hosted the 2006 Winter Olympic Games, Tourists have been coming in droves.

In short -- the Olympics put this northern Italian city on the map.

"I think it was really successful for the whole city," said one man to CTV British Columbia's Mike Killeen. "A lot of people came here for the Olympic Games, and came back one year after to visit the city... to see it outside the Olympic context."

Before the Olympics, Torino was neither a household name nor one of Italy's premier tourist destinations.

The Olympics helped change that. Millions saw the images of this ancient Italian city on TV. And since that day, the tourist numbers have continued to climb.

They gave the region a sense of renewal and a chance to showcase a transformed Torino.

The focus now is on building the momentum generated by the games, said Paola Musolino of Turismo Torino.

"You have to go on to promote the destination and remind people the destination still exists," she said.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Mike Killeen