Tired of daylight saving time?

The province is asking residents to share their views on the time change and whether it should have a future in B.C.

Most of B.C. adjusts its clocks forward during daylight saving time in the spring, and move the clocks back during the fall.

Oregon and Washington, two of B.C.'s trading partners, have moved towards dumping the time change.

"As our neighbours in the western United States move toward permanent daylight saving time, it's a good time to think about what will work best for British Columbia," said Premier John Horgan in a news release.

The online survey will run from June 24 to July 19, and residents are also asked to provide written submissions about the time change.

"I know many people will have strong preferences on this complex question, and this is an opportunity to express them and help government decide our next steps," Horgan added. "As we monitor what's happening in other jurisdictions, I look forward to input from British Columbians on how to set our clocks throughout the year."

There has been a push to scrap the time-switch in British Columbia in recent years. A petition to end daylight saving time in the province back in 2015 gathered tens of thousands of signatures.