Protesters at the Occupy Vancouver site are pleading for supplies to help keep their soggy camp afloat.

In a YouTube video posted Friday, a poncho-clad man who identifies himself as Edward says the makeshift camp behind the Vancouver Art Gallery is suffering because of a heavy downpour that has persisted for the past day.

People behind a tent can be seen digging a large trench into the lawn with a metal shovel. The hole is filled with muddy water.

"The tent city desperately needs pallets and sandbags, so anyone that can bring them down here we'll love you forever," Edward says in the video, as he is pelted with rain.

Edward said the group is doing its best to dig trenches around the tents right away to help with drainage, but added that if the rain persists "it's going to be an ugly situation."

"We were looking for winter clothes -- anything that helps us keep warm – but the urgent stuff is to get the tents off of the water," he said.

Some tents were already hoisted onto wood pallets.

Protester Ethan Pinchaw said the rain has dampened the spirits of some people at the site.

"People are getting wet and cold, which is bad," he said, adding that none of the City of Vancouver staff at the site have tried to stop them from digging trenches into the lawn to help drain water onto the street.

"We haven't had any issues. They're just letting us operate as we are, which is awesome."

Saturday marks the seventh day of the Occupy Vancouver protest. Dozens of campers remain at the site and say they'll stay "as long as it takes" to stop corporate greed.

Environment Canada is predicting showers for at least another 24 hours.