A little star power gave the Occupy Vancouver movement a little boost Wednesday night.

Longtime political activist and former Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello brought a large crowd together at the Vancouver Art Gallery to discuss the Occupy movement, a cause he's been championing for some time.

With the protest entering its sixth day, and numbers dwindling, the timing couldn't be better.

The Grammy-award winning singer-songwriter led a chant to a crowd of hundreds, saying "This is a movement that's different from others."

As he has in other cities, including New York, he stopped in at Vancouver's occupy protest, with a message:

"History's not made by nine robed men, or billionaires or bankers -- it's not made by them," Morello said.

The longtime activist sympathized with occupiers by having them repeat his lyrics, but unlike his other visits he didn't play any songs at this occupation.

The guitarist was in town playing a solo act at the Vogue Theatre, and handed out tickets to fans and protesters to see his show for free.

"I'd like you all to occupy the Vogue Theatre tonight," he told the cheering crowd.

The free tickets wowed protester Leah Jardine, who called it "unbelievable."

But for the man in the spotlight the message behind his music is as important as the spectacle on stage.

"What we're seeing at Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Vancouver is a glimpse into the world that I'd like to see and is the world that I fight for in my music," Morello said.

The message seemed to win over protesters and fans alike.

"I just think that what he says he really truly believes in, he's not full of crap," said Simon Kear.

Fans like Dylan Hardy hope Morello's celebrity support will strengthen the movement.

"It draws people in and then maybe people stay around and said hey there's other issues going on, not just Tom Morello," he said.

Dozens of protesters continue to occupy the lawn of the art gallery, and say they'll stay "as long as it takes" to fight corporate greed and social inequality.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Shaheed Devji