Christie Kerr was on her way to a daily management meeting at the PNE when she spotted a stuffed bunny sitting alone on a bench in the Agridome.

"I knew instantly that it must be someone's lovey," said Kerr, who works as manager of agriculture at the PNE. "My daughter has a kitty that looks very well loved, the same as bunny did. So I took it to our meeting and made it my mission to make sure that we found this owner."

This was Friday afternoon, after Andrea Van Enter and her two-year-old daughter, Adele, had gone home to Langley for the day.

Van Enter told CTV News her daughter has had bunny for her entire life and sleeps with it every night. The mother posted about bunny's disappearance on a Facebook group for Langley moms.

"I think it fell out or she got out of the stroller with her bunny and just accidentally left it there,” said Van Enter.

She later tweeted the PNE asking for help. The fair replied with a picture of the bunny Kerr had found, asking if it was the one Van Enter was looking for. 

“Christie decided she was going to be kind enough to drive to our house,” Van Enter told CTV News.

Kerr arrived in Langley around 11:30 p.m., well after Adele had gone to bed. Kerr said the family offered to pay her as a thank you for the delivery, but she said that wasn't necessary.

"My heart was breaking knowing that a little girl was going to bed last night without her lovey," Kerr said. "I would have driven hours to get that bunny to where it needed to go."

Kerr also included a stuffed chicken and some treats, as well as a letter describing the day the two stuffed animals spent together at the fair.

"I wanted this bunny to have a bit of a story for the little girl when she woke up this morning," Kerr said.

PNE bunny letter

Van Enter took a video of the reunion between child and bunny Saturday morning. In it, Adele is visibly concerned for bunny's well-being, and overjoyed when he is returned.

"I love this, this is so good," she says, later adding. "Thank you PNE."

Kerr said she was happy to help. After 21 years of working at the PNE, she said she believes what she did exemplifies the character of her workplace.

"There has been so many stories like this," Kerr said. "We definitely aim to give that quality of service to every one of our guests."

Van Enter says it’s a story her family will be telling for years to come.

"It just warms your heart and gives you whole new thoughts about humanity really.”