If a criminal gets their hands on key pieces of personal information they can use it to impersonate you or commit other crimes, but detailed information is required on many documents that could get into the wrong hands.

Perry wrote Steele on Your Side to ask if it is necessary to display an owner’s address on a vehicle’s registration or a driver’s licence. Perry is concerned the data could provide a criminal with the information needed to steal your identity or break into your home.

ICBC told CTV it receives this question often.

Most North American law enforcement authorities require that original, unaltered documents be available if requested by an officer. In B.C., this requirement is contained in the Motor Vehicle Act.

Because these documents do contain a lot of data that criminals can use, ICBC has these suggestions to help protect your personal security:

-   Hide the original document in another part of your vehicle, not in your glove box

-    Keep a photocopy in the glove compartment with your name, address and any other personal information blanked out.

-    Don’t leave original documents in the vehicle when you’re storing it for a long period of time.

If you do have your vehicle registration or driver’s licence stolen, your first step should be to report this to police.

You should then call ICBC. It will place a note on the customer’s file and your broker can get replacement documents. As well, it’s recommended that you monitor your financial statements for any unauthorized transactions.