SURREY, B.C. -- If there are any doubts among the B.C. Liberal cabinet about Premier Christy Clark's leadership, no one was voicing those Sunday as they gathered for their first face-to-face meeting with her since a leaked document exploded in their faces.

That wasn't the case earlier in the day when a group of Indo-Canadian Liberal members hotly demanded her resignation.

Deputy Premier Rich Coleman told a gaggle of media in front of the Vancouver cabinet offices that reporters were making more out of the meeting than it was.

When asked about possible splits within the party over the document that planned to attract ethnic voters during the May election, Coleman stated there was "absolute unity."

But Liberal party member Virkram Bajwa said the leaked document has "made the ethnic vote a joke," and Clark must leave.

Bajwa, who co-ordinated the breakfast discussion, said 89 party members passed a one-line declaration over concerns the party will be wiped out in the May 14 election.

"In order for us to gain and come back to the government, she has to resign and somebody new has to come and lead the party into elections," he said in an interview.

Clark issued a letter of apology last Thursday after a plan was leaked that urged the Liberals to co-ordinate resources to focus on winning over ethnic voters.

On Friday, Clark accepted the resignation of her deputy chief of staff, Kim Haakstad, who sent out the 17-page document in January 2012 to eight people working. The Liberal's have described the document as a draft policy that was never acted on.

The document outlines the co-ordination of resources and appears to condone allowing taxpayer-funded government workers to work with the Liberal party on disseminating the strategy.

The leak generated days of Opposition New Democrat criticism over the so-called ethnic wins strategy, which involved capitalizing politically on apologies for historic injustices.

As an example, the strategy described the Liberal government's 2008 apology for the 1914 Komagata Maru incident in Vancouver as an ethnic win in the Indo-Canadian community.

Almost 380 people from India were denied entry to Canada and their ship stayed harboured in Vancouver for months before returning to India with most of its passengers. Upon arrival in India, a riot erupted and 22 passengers died.

Several other cabinet ministers going into Sunday's meeting also voiced support for Clark.

"We're all here to stick together and do our jobs," said Jobs Minister Pat Bell. "I'm as committed as I've ever been to Christy."

Culture Minister Bill Bennett, a member of Clark's election preparedness team, said he didn't think he'd run if Clark wasn't his leader.

Cabinet ministers Shirley Bond, Terry Lake and Mary Polak also said they expected Clark to lead the Liberals into the election.

Bajwa said the scandal was the major topic of discussion today at the temples in Surrey, and while his fellow party members are not angry, they believe the buck stops with the premier.

"It is important to all ethnic communities in B.C., not to Indo-Canadians only," he said. "Because during the elections and after the elections, no matter whatever the results are, this is going to be a discussion topic for everybody.

"We don't want to be discriminated against and disrespected for this reason."

Bajwa has been a member of the B.C. Liberals for one year and a member of the federal Liberal Party for a decade. In 2011, he unsuccessfully ran for mayor in Surrey, B.C.

Former Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender, who is the B.C. Liberal candidate in the riding of Surrey-Fleetwood for this May's election, questioned Bajwa's motives over the call for Clark's resignation.

"I'm ... a realist and I know we're in the lead-up to an election, and everyone is looking to anything they can to discredit anybody," he said in an interview. "It's unfortunate, but it is the reality of what happens."

Fassbender said he continues to completely support the premier and believes she has dealt with the issue at hand decisively.

"I think that people are making this and taking this way too far and I think we need to recognize that a mistake was made," he said.

"I totally agree it was inappropriate, the person that has taken responsibility has resigned."