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'Barge Chilling Park': Vancouverites posting online reviews of the grounded barge on Sunset Beach


The wayward barge that has been stranded on Vancouver's Sunset Beach since mid-November's historic storm is earning rave reviews online.

Both TripAdvisor and Google have review pages for the barge, which is receiving mostly five-star ratings from users.

As of Friday night, the barge had an average rating of 4.9 on Google - where it is listed as "Barge Chilling Park," a reference to another famously unexpected Vancouver attraction. The barge fares worse on TripAdvisor, earning a four out of five overall.

Most of the reviews are clearly jokes. One TripAdvisor user claims the barge cured their Crohn's Disease. Another rates the barge one out of five, complaining that they waited 20 minutes without anyone coming to take their order.

Other posts seem like they might be sincere reviews of the barge as an impromptu attraction or inadvertent public art display.

"Much more than we could have ever asked for, just stunning," one user writes. "We visited the Barge the other evening and regret not doing so sooner. The whole experience was beyond majestic, you walk around the seawall corner, and boom, there she is in her full glory."

"Don't miss the chance to visit this place," reads one Google review.

Since it ran aground, the barge has quickly become a part of Vancouver lore, inspiring memes and parody social media accounts and attracting onlookers daily.

Sentry Marine, which owns the stranded vessel, sent a tugboat to remove it the day after the storm. The tug was unable to do so.

Last month, the Richmond company told CTV News the earliest it expected to try again would be Dec. 6, which is forecast to be a King Tide in Vancouver. Top Stories


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