VANCOUVER -- A known B.C. gang member with ties to the Hells Angels will be released from prison for a third time, but must live in a halfway house until he's no longer considered to present an "undue risk to society," parole board documents state.
A report from the Parole Board of Canada says Jarrod Bacon will be required to live in a community correctional centre, community residential facility or other facility approved by Correctional Services Canada (CSC) upon his release.
He'll have to stay in this facility for six months, a period the board says will give him "the opportunity to demonstrate (his) motivation to adopt a lifestyle away from previous affiliations."
Those affiliations include what are described by the board as "security threat groups linked to the Hells Angels."
Bacon has been identified by the parole board as a member of the Red Scorpions and the Bacon Brothers.
"Gang involvement carries with it an inherent potential for violence. Although you do not have convictions for violent offences, but for a weapon related conviction at the age of 19, you have several withdrawn charges for violent offences that are indicative of a lifestyle where violence is omnipresent," board member Suzanne Poirier wrote in the decision dated July 31.
"You even described yourself as an enforcer during your trial."
The board mentions Bacon's "continued affiliation" with criminal groups, and his connection with other inmates involved in illicit activities, saying these associations suggest he is not really trying to change.
"As recently as May 2020, you uttered threats to correctional officers who searched your cell. Your behaviour does not bode well for a release without strict supervision," Poirier wrote.
Citing Bacon's "potential for violence that must not be overlooked," the board rejected his plan to live in a furnished apartment, instead requiring him to reside in a CSC-approved location for the six months.
He's also been ordered not to enter bars, consume drugs other than as prescribed, and avoid anyone he knows or has reason to believe is connected to criminal activity.
Bacon's plan includes that he has a plan for employment, though information on where he'd work was redacted. The document says he would make a monthly salary of $5,000 to start, and that Bacon claims he has $40,000 in savings.
The board says the job could not be verified, and called his plan "vague."
The upcoming release of the 37-year-old, who was sentenced in 2012 to nine years, two months for conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, will be his third.
He was first released with conditions in February 2017, but was back in custody by July following a breach of conditions. The board said he was arrested in a strip club, despite a condition he avoid bars, and was with another offender at the time.
He was released again in July 2018, with a residency condition first issued for six months, and later extended another six.
But in December, his release was suspended after he tested positive for cocaine, the board said.