There are infomercials for exercise equipment ... and kitchen gadgets. And, of course, there are products you never thought you needed, like the Snuggie -- the blanket with Sleeves.

Consumer Reports says infomercials are designed to pump up the dopamine levels in your brain, according to marketing experts -- and that can stimulate your impulse to buy.

"That's why infomercials have claims and testimonials flying at you, and they say 'order in three minutes' because your dopamine levels drop in about five to six minutes," Consumer Reports Kim Clemen said.

Consumer Reports routinely tests infomercial products like the Ab Circle Pro, which calls itself the "fastest, easiest way to have the flat washboards abs."

Panelists gave the $200 device a whirl.

"Following the Ab Circle Pro's strict diet plan will definitely help you lose weight. But the three-minute exercise routine, not so much," tester Alex Willen said.

It turns out the workout is about the same as going on a brisk three-minute walk.

To test the popular Slap Chop, Consumer Reports chopped nuts, onions, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, and even chocolate.

But it turns out the device doesn't chop evenly. And the harder vegetables took 20 slaps or more.

The Snuggie didn't fare much better in testing, Pat Slaven said.

"We tested the Snuggie by washing it 10 times looking for shrinkage, pilling, and also lint. Pills are these fuzzy little balls, and between them is bare fabric."

And in 10 washes, two handfuls of lint came off two Snuggies.

So the next time you see an infomercial product you really want to buy, resist the urge for at least 10 minutes. That'll give your dopamine levels a chance to return to normal.

Consumer Reports did find a couple of infomercial products that did pretty well in tests, like the Magic Jack and the $10 Ped Egg which removes calluses and dead skin from your feet. Overall, it worked better than a pumice stone.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Chris Olsen