He's been named Vancouver's chef of the year, a top 40 under 40 and he was the youngest chef to be inducted into the BC Restaurant Hall of Fame. Now Chef David Hawksworth has added another feather to his cap – his Hawksworth Restaurant has been named restaurant of the year by Maclean's magazine.


Soup :

  • 4T unsalted butter
  • 875gr Peeled Parsnip
  • 1 Leek
  • 1 White Onion
  • 4 Garlic cloves
  • 1L Chicken stock
  • 1L Water
  • 500ml Milk
  • 500ml Cream
  • .5 pc Thai chili
  • 4 sprigs Thyme
  • zest of half Lemon
  • To Taste - Salt


-On medium heat sweat onion, garlic and leek until translucent ( approx. 10min)

-add chopped up peeled parsnip and sweat for 5 mins

-cover with chicken stock and water and cook at a simmer until liquid reduces by half

-add milk and cream and simmer for 20 mins

-blend and steep with lemon peel, thyme, salt, chili

-strain through fine mesh sieve and adjust seasoning with salt

-serve immediately or store in fridge for up to 5 days



  • 1 Parsnip Diced into 1 cm cubes
  • 1T canola oil
  • 1 shallot ( sliced thin)
  • 2 Garlic ( sliced thin)
  • 1 small knuckle ginger ( sliced thin)
  • 1T curry powder
  • 1T turmeric
  • 1L h20


- On medium heat sweat shallot, garlic. ginger in oil

-Add spice and cook until aromatic approx. 5 mins

-Add water and reduce by half

-Strain and reserve liquid

-Cook parsnip in curry liquid until tender on low simmer

-remove from liquid and reserve



  • 2 Lobsters
  • 4L salted boiling water


-Bring water to a boil

-Add lobster and cook at boil for 10 mins

-Carefully remove whole lobster and submerge in ice water

-Extract meat from shell chop in bite sized pieces and reserve in fridge

Wild rice:

  • 4T wild rice
  • 500ml of canola oil
  • 1T salt


-Using small pot bring 500ml oil up to 400F

-Oil should be just below smoking

-Drop all rice into oil until it puffs up (approx. 6 seconds)

-Remove from oil using small strainer immediately and place on paper towel

-Season while hot with salt


To assemble:


-Place 4-5 pieces of parsnip in bottom of soup bowl scattered randomly

-Place Lobster chunks around bowl

-scatter .5T puffed rice over top of everything and garnish with some chopped chive

-Heat up soup, adjust seasoning if needed place in some sort of service container or pourer and pour in front of your guests at the table!
