VANCOUVER -- The Vancouver School Board is moving forward with its proposed back to school plan after a special meeting with trustees Wednesday night that lasted nearly two hours.

The plan which will be submitted to the province this week is for all grades between kindergarten and Grade 12. 

Secondary schools

The plan entails a hybrid model of in-person and virtual learning for high school students, with a learning group size of 120, which is the maximum allowed by the province.

It’s also a big difference from the plan laid out in Surrey this week, which will see a cohort size of 60 for students in grades 8 and 9 and cohorts of just 30 for students in grades 10, 11 and 12. The Surrey School district hasn’t yet announced its plan for elementary school students. 

While the Vancouver learning groups will be up to 120, the board says the actual cohorts may be smaller — and in many cases so will class sizes. The scheduling means in some cases just 15 students may be in a class.

“The model we have created for secondary, we believe will have our numbers well below the 120 limit, it’s a little bit complicated when parents first look,” said Supt. Suzanne Hoffman with the Vancouver School Board. “We really pared back some of the class sizes to make sure students are safe”

Students in high school in Vancouver will take two classes at a time over a 10 week period. They will have in-person classes in the morning, followed by “flex time”, and then virtual learning in the afternoon. 

The class they take in person will rotate every two weeks. Flex time can be used for several different things, including trades courses and advanced placement courses. 

According to the VSB, administrators or counsellors will assist families who have health needs “to ensure students’ learning is supported.”

Designated spaces will also be created for students who may not have internet access or computers at home.

Elementary schools

Elementary school students in Vancouver will do in-class learning full time.

The cohort size for elementary schools is 60, however, the plan notes “the students’ individual class will be their main learning group.” 

In an email to CTV News, the school board further explained the cohort size.

“This enables students to socialize and interact with others outside their classrooms like for breaks and other activities – so for example, a kindergarten class could buddy up with a class of students from an older grade while in the library or things like that,” the email said.  

Students will also do some virtual learning within their classroom setting using Microsoft Teams, which will prepare students for online learning if the province moves into a difference phase during the pandemic response. 

The VSB says options will be presented for elementary school students who cannot return due to health concerns. 

Health and safety measures

Students returning to school may face a colder classroom than normal, as school windows will be kept open as much as possible. 

There will be staggered pick-up and drop off times at some elementary schools, and recess and lunch breaks may also be staggered. High school students will not share a common lunch break. 

Access to schools in most cases are limited to staff and students, visitors like parents would have to request an appointment. 

High school students will not have access to lockers when they return in September. 

Directional signage will also be posted in all schools in an effort to assist with physical distancing. 

Students and staff will have to abide by mandatory mask guidelines laid out by the province earlier this week.  


The VSB has provided a schedule for what families with students in elementary school can expect as far as the next steps.

On the week on Aug. 24 families will receive a letter with a survey from their school.

Then, the week of Aug. 31 families will receive additional details with information about the first week of school, including details on orientation sessions. 

On Sept. 8 and 9 families of elementary school students will hear from their child’s teacher.

Sept. 14 will be the first day of in-class instruction for kids in grades 1 through 12. Gradual entry for kindergarten students will also begin that week. 

Hoffman says parents of high school students can also expect to hear from the district next week.

The VSB’s plan still needs to be approved by the province.