They were simply crossing the street when the unthinkable happened. A young man and woman from Vancouver are dead after being hit by a suspected drunk driver -- an 18-year-old man.

He took off from the scene on foot, but didn't get far.

Just before midnight at the entrance to Granville Island, a black SUV with a smashed front end, and two bodies on the sidewalk told the story of a totally preventable tragedy.

The 31-year-old man and a 25-year-old woman were walking in a crosswalk when the SUV heading westbound on 4th avenue missed a turn and hit them from behind. They were both killed instantly.

Inspector John McKay of the Vancouver Police said it looked like speed and alcohol was to blame.

"The driver took off. [He] ran north into Granville Island and appears that he dove in the water. I don't know if he tried to swim across False Creek or what it was, but we got a call about that and we went down there with the dog and arrested him," he said.

The SUV passengers -- a 14 year-old and a 16-year-old girl -- stayed at the scene and spoke to police.

There is a strong indication that they shouldn't have been in the SUV. The vast majority of 18 year olds are either "learner" or "novice" drivers. A "learner" needs to have a licensed driver over 25 in the car with them -- and can't drive past midnight. A "novice" can't have more than one passenger under 25 in the car. Both have a zero blood alcohol restriction -- and must display the "L" or N" signs. There was no sign visible on the SUV in the accident.

With a report by CTV British Columbia's Shannon Paterson.