Last week, the family of Joel Corbin didn't know if the nine-year-old would ever be able to talk again. This week, he surprised them all, by speaking to his dad for the first time since he was hit by a truck that crashed into a Maple Ridge Sushi restaurant last mont.

The boy's uncle John Finley explains what happened.

"His dad was getting dressed and all of a sudden they just heard 'Dad, I want to go'."

Since then, Joel has continued to speak and he's becoming increasingly aware of his surroundings.

"I've never believed in miracles but I think I'm starting too because it's so incredible and just, it's overwhelming," said Finley.

Joel suffered brain injuries on August 28th when a truck plowed into the Halu Sushi Restaurant, killing two women and injuring others, including joel and his sister juanita. Police believe the driver's actions were intentional.

But the Corbins are focusing on Joel's recovery and they're awed by the community's outpouring of support.

The reaction just from the whole community has been incredible.

On Sunday, a flower store in Maple Ridge was handing out sunflowers -- Joel's favourite flower and roses -- as part of a fundraiser for the family.

"I felt if my flowers can help bring a little bit of money to the family, I wanted to do it,'' said Sandra Taylor, who helped with the fundraiser.

Maple Ridge firefighters also took part, using their boots to collect money.

"People were dropping fifties, hundred dollar bills. People would go into the store, drop twenty bucks, come back out, put another $20 in,'' said firefighter Rob Macdonald. "Everybody was just more than willing to help."

Joel's sister Juanira attended the fundraiser, which raised over $11,000. And when organizers learned the next day of Joel's progress, they felt their prayers had been answered.

"Joel's uncle came running over to me in tears and I looked at him and for a second I waited and then he told me Joel had spoken and I just knew it was a miracle,'' said Juanira.

Joel has a long road of recovery ahead of him. But it's one he'll walk with the support of both his family and the community.

Meanwhile, a trust fund has been set up for the injured boy. Anyone who wishes to make a donation can do so at the following address:

Joel Corbin Trust Fund

Vancity Credit Union in Maple Ridge

Account # 162651. Branch #29

With a report by CTV British Columbia's Michele Brunoro.