Vancouver Canuck coach Alain Vigneault can talk X's and O's any time, but was caught off guard Wednesday by a question about the birds and bees.

A health reporter from one of the city's newspapers asked Vigneault about the daily routine for the NHL team around the playoffs when it comes to "training, recovery, diet, sex."

"We do sex every day?" quipped Vigneault. "I'm missing out on something."

He went on to explain the team works with the players in areas like nutrition, conditioning and even getting the proper sleep.

"As far as the sex goes, it's none of my business," Vigneault said, bringing laughter from the media. "They can do what they want."

"I'd like to have a lot of control but that part there, I leave to them."

Defenceman Sami Salo also had some fun.

The often-injured Finn greeted reporters in the Canucks' dressing room wearing a surgical mask over his face.

"Somebody was saying today I had an infection," said Salo. "If I had one, I wanted to put (this) on so you don't get it."

There had been speculation Salo was suffering from the flu.

Salo said he would play in Thursday's opening game of the NHL playoffs against the Los Angeles Kings.