The company that has the security contract at the hospital where a man took priceless rings off the fingers of a 91-year-old recovering from surgery says they've seen the thief before.

In fact, Paladin Security told CTV News that the same thief has struck six different times at four different hospitals since 2005.

The man -- described by police as between 40 and 50 years old -- walked into the Vancouver General Hospital room of Agnes Ulmer, and pretending to be a cleaner convinced her to give up three priceless rings.

And only four days after her jewelry was stolen, security showed up at Agnes Ulmer's bedside late Tuesday afternoon, and showed her a picture to see if she could recognize the person who took her rings.

Ulmer's family says security at the hospital is inadequate, beginning with the response they received from the security guards on duty.

"The guys who were working didn't look at the video, didn't make a police report," said Ulmer's grandson, Jason Dudlets.

The hospital warns patients not to bring valuables. But Vancouver Police Const. Tim Fanning said it could be time to re-examine those measures.

"It would be fair to say they should review their security and see if they can do a better job," said Fanning.

B.C.'s Health Minister also thinks it's time security should be re-examined.

"Maybe we have to go to some sign-in and sign-out process in hospitals," he said.

A spokeswoman for Vancouver Coastal Health said that security at Vancouver's hospitals are adequate.

"I think to point to the fact that there was only one theft from patients last year...those kinds of measures are adequate," she said.