Langley Mounties evacuated a local community centre Thursday after a cardboard box containing materials marked as “radioactive waste” was found inside.

Cpl. Holly Marks said the Walnut Grove Community Centre was cleared out before noon so the explosives experts could examine the package.

The facility was reopened by 1 p.m., however, after authorities determined there was no danger to the public.

“The Explosives Disposal Unit confirmed that the box did not have a radioactive rating emanating from it,” Marks said.

Mounties believe the box was full of medical supplies intended for a specific individual, and that it was likely stolen then abandoned at the centre.

“It’s not believed that there was an intended threat, we believe it was the dumping of stolen property,” Marks said.

Police are continuing to investigate how the box ended up at the community centre, and a forensic team has been called to determine whether any fingerprints were left on the package.