The Polish government has suspended its recently-appointed consul general in Vancouver in the wake of an allegation of impaired driving.

Press officer Sylwia Domisiewicz at Poland's embassy in Ottawa says officials are still seeking further details on the incident last Friday.

But for now she says Tomasz Lis is no longer the consul in Vancouver.

In an interview with CTV British Columbia, Lis denied he was impaired, and said he did not know if he would get his job back.

Police confirm the driver of a black Volvo with consul licence plates was arrested after being found to be over the legal limit for alcohol after rear-nding a fire truck in downtown Vancouver.

The driver gave firefighters his information and allegedly drove off, but officers caught up with him shortly after and he was given a roadside screening test.

No injuries were reported in the crash.

Police say a charge of impaired driving has been forwarded to the Crown. The Polish press spokesperson says she understands Lis has not claimed diplomatic immunity.

Poland's Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski hinted in Warsaw earlier that he may fire Lis, saying the government does not want people in the public service who don't know how to behave abroad.

Lis is a career diplomat who has held high level postings in Poland and abroad. None of the allegations against him have been proven in court.

With reports from Associated Press and CTV British Columbia's Lisa Rossington.