A University of British Columbia expert on family violence says the man who killed his family and himself in Oak Bay last fall should have been held in custody for a risk assessment.

Dr. Don Dutton told a Victoria inquest that Peter Lee's marriage breakdown, his death threats against his wife and gambling addiction were all risk factors for extreme violence.

He says Lee should have been held after he staged an accident last summer that injured his wife, and been subjected to a proper forensic assessment for potential violence.

Instead, Lee was released and less than two months later he killed his wife Sunny Park, his six-year-old son Christian, his wife's parents Kum Lea Chun and Moon Kvu Park and himself.

The latest testimony comes after pathologist Kerry Pringle painted a ghastly picture of the horrific last minutes of Lee's victims.

Sunny Park received 49 stab and slash wounds, most of them to the chest and had other injuries that suggested she tried to defend herself.

Her son was also stabbed repeatedly in the chest, Pringle said.

"When you see a pattern like that...it tends to suggest an emotional frenzy,'' Pringle testified.