B.C.'s public insurer is cutting its annual advertising budget in half to spend more money cracking down on bad drivers.

ICBC is directing an extra $2.4 million to police traffic enforcement in the next fiscal year, bringing the annual enforcement budget to $24.8 million.

"Drivers in British Columbia who insist on high-risk driving are clearly not following ICBC's general road safety advertising measures," Attorney General David Eby said in a statement.

"Redirecting ICBC advertising dollars to increase enforcement will give police officers more opportunity to deliver a specific and personal advertising message directly to more reckless drivers at the side of the road. That's a good thing."

The remaining $2.4 million in ICBC's advertising budget will be spent educating drivers about road safety and the pending changes to the province's insurance system.

ICBC, which is projected to lose $890 million this fiscal year, said its financial difficulties begin with crashes, and that it's committed to reducing claim costs.