VICTORIA - Premier John Horgan has called a byelection for the riding of Kelowna West on Feb. 14.

The seat was vacated last summer when former premier Christy Clark left politics.

Clark's Liberals tried to form a minority government after the May election, but the party was defeated in a non-confidence vote after the New Democrats and Green party formed an alliance.

The B.C. Liberal Party has nominated Ben Stewart to run in the byelection.

Stewart won the riding in the 2013 race, but bowed out to allow Clark to run after she lost the Vancouver-Point Grey riding.

Shelley Cook, a former John Howard Society executive director, will represent the New Democrats in the riding, while the B.C. Green Party has nominated Robert Stupka, an engineer and certified passive house designer.

Kyle Geronazzo will be running for the BC Libertarian Party.