The first-degree murder trial for Matthew Foerster, who is charged with killing 18-year-old Taylor Van Diest, began Monday in Kelowna.

Lisa Jean Helps, the defence lawyer for Foerster, said the 27-year-old is sorry for his actions but his motivations are the question.

“My client is very remorseful and is accepting responsibility for causing the death of Ms. Van Diest but on what level of intent is a whole other matter," she told reporters outside the courthouse.

Family friend Shirley States said she came to the courthouse to support the Van Diests.

"This has been such a tragedy. And so we're here to give support to the family,” she said.

Marie Van Diest, Taylor’s mother said she is relieved the case is finally in court.

“Well it should have started almost a year ago, so of course we're highly relieved that things are finally underway. We can finally see some sort of justice doled out," she said.

The teenaged Van Diest was found clinging to life near railway tracks in her hometown of Armstrong, B.C. on Halloween night and died Nov.1, 2011.

RCMP Cst. Milan Ilic told the court he was there shortly after Van Diest was found, and heard the girl’s mother lean over her daughter.

"You're going to make it. You're going to survive," Ilic reported hearing Van Diest say.

Van Diest said that although she always thinks about that day, it is difficult to revisit.

"It's pretty hard to relive what we went through [in] October 2011, and it's always in our minds of course, but to have it brought forth in your face like that, it's very difficult," she said.

Crown counsel Frank Captuo spoke about a DNA match in his opening submission and also read a transcript from an interview where Foerster answered “yes” when asked if he “felt bad for killing Taylor”.

The trial is expected to last several weeks.

With a report from CTV’s Kent Molgat