The church whose floor gave way during a Christian rock concert over the weekend hadn't been inspected in over 20 years, city officials said on Monday.

Abbotsford city officials also gave the building its occupancy permit -- one that allows concerts to be held in places of assembly without a special permit -- in the same year Central Heights Church was built, in 1986.

"We only inspect if there is an alteration to the building or a complaint," said Abbotsford's city development manager, Jay Teichroeb. "And the city was not aware of a complaint."

City inspectors and engineers still have yet to say clearly why the floors fell during a Starfield concert on Friday night, sending some 60 teenage fans into the basement below.

Forty-four people were hospitalized -- three seriously -- and one 41-year-old woman is in a medically induced coma after spinal surgery, the church's pastor told Canada AM on Monday.

The church's pastor, Chris Douglas, told reporters that the church had held many similar events, and that the number of attendees was well below its maximum occupancy.

It's not common for any city to do spot checks on buildings, Vancouver's deputy chief licensing inspector Barb Windsor told CTV News.

"If it's part and parcel with the activities of church, we wouldn't ask for a special permit," she told CTV News on Monday.

Inspectors told CTV News that if a building has more than 80 per cent fixed seats, the building must be built to withstand half the load it would need to withstand if there were fewer seats.

In other words, if the area has mainly seats, you don't need to build it as strongly as you would a dance hall or concert venue.

Abbotsford did not provide the building permits to CTV News on Monday.

CTV News has obtained shocking new video that shows Starfield lead singer Tim Neufeld singing to a raucous crowd, and then all of a sudden much of that crowd tumbling below.

"It's just a shock," said Neufeld on Monday. "Floors aren't supposed to fall out. Floors are supposed to carry everybody that's on them.

"It took a few seconds just to clue in that people were trapped and there was something horrible going on," he said.

"After those few seconds, we jumped in and started pulling rubble off people," he said.

"There was one woman in particular who was trapped pretty bad under the speaker stacks, and we just got a bunch of guys to pull off the speakers so they could get her out,' he said.

With a report from CTV British Columbia's Dag Sharman and Michele Brunoro