It's been over two months since a truck crashed into a Maple Ridge, B.C. restaurant killing two women.and seriously injuring nine-year-old Joel Corbin. Now of the first time, Joel is speaking out about his brave struggle to recover.

Two months ago, no one knew if Joel would ever come out of a coma, let alone walk again, or talk again, or do the things he enjoys.

"He basically had to relearn how to walk,'' said Mike Corbin, the boy's father.

"I like pool, yes'' the boy replied after his father asked him if he liked the swimming pool.

Joel was inside the Halu Sushi restaurant on August 28th when a truck crashed through the front, killing two women. Joel and his sister Juanita were among those injured.

"When I arrived on site, Joel had already been rushed off,'' said Mike Corbin. "My daughter was in a lot of pain,'' he said. 

While Juanita was released from hospital a short time later, her younger brother remains there, his mother Roberta Allan constantly at his side.

"It was an unbelievable amount of stress for both Roberta and the rest of our family to have both kids injured,'' said Mike Corbin.

Joel suffered significant brain injuries. He has limited vision and paralysis in his right eye.

"We don't know if he'll ever get the use of his eye. It's something they cant tell us. They can't tell us to what extent we are going to get the old Joel back,'' said Mike Corbin.

Joel's speech and short-term memory have been affected.

The family has been told his recovery could take years. But they are inspired by both his progress and the support of co-workers and friends.

Joel has been able to leave the hospital several times to go home for short visits. It is hoped that by Christmas he will be well enough to go home for good. It's something that his family is looking forward to.

With a report by CTV British Columbia's Michele Brunoro