A Kelowna man who vowed to have a unicorn tattooed on his back for charity is ready to follow through with his promise.

For the past seven years, Darryl Reuter has been participating in Marathon of Sport, an annual event organized by motionball to raise money for the Special Olympics. This year, as a way to encourage his friends and family to donate yet again, he promised to do something special.

"I said I want to do something big, I want to be the biggest fundraiser, I want to bring a lot of attention to motionball this year and somehow [my friend] said I should get a fire-breathing unicorn tattoo and I said, 'That's a great idea.' So it just went from there," he told CTV News.

The tattoo would pay homage to the name of his fundraising team, The Fire-Breathing Unicorns.

Reuter said it wouldn't be a small tattoo and plans to get the 10-by-10-inches magical creature between his shoulder blades.

"It's on my back, I don't ever have to see it," he said. "If I have my shirt off at the pool or on a boat, my friends will know the story anyway, and if not, it's always a good story to tell."

The weekend fundraiser supports the Special Olympics athletes in the province.

Participants team up with local athletes and compete in various sports and activities together.

Reuter surpassed his goal of $10,000 and has raised nearly $12,000.

He will be meeting with a local tattoo artist a few days after the event and expects the unicorn will come to life after a few sessions.