It's been a painful and exhausting week for those who loved Diana O'Brien, the Saltspring Island model, who was found stabbed to death on a staircase outside her Shanghai apartment, Monday.

Shanghai police say an 18-year-old Chinese man has confessed to following and killing O'Brien.

The love of her life - Joel Berry - hopes the arrest will speed up the investigative process, and help bring the 22-year-old's body home to British Columbia.

"Just to have her back would empower us and find closure - make plans for a funeral - all the things you do,'' he told reporters on Saltspring Friday

Joel says the memory of O'Brien is more important than focusing on the person responsible for her death - although some people in the tight-knit community are questioning the speedy arrest.

"I definitely hope it's the right person because I know the punishment is pretty extreme there,'' said Berry

The international spotlight here has driven many of Diana's friends into seclusion. Those who did answer the phone say news of an arrest means nothing to them. They're still grieving a great loss - and whatever happens to the 18-year-old - won't bring back Diana.

"I don't know if anybody feels any peace,'' said friend Heather McDonnell.

McDonnell worked in a Saltspring restaurant with O'Brien for five years. She says everyone at the restaurant is still grief-stricken

"Some have come back - good friends of hers that have wanted to escape it a little bit and wanted a safe place and needed a couple of hugs through the day,'' said McDonnell.

She hopes O'Briens' death won't discourage others from pursuing their dreams of travelling.

"I personally would like to inflict on all of the young people who work for us to go out and make her proud and do it for her and her memory,'' she said.

But she says the arrest doesn't change a thing, adding that the community of Saltspring Island will forever mourn the loss of such a powerful force.

"I just want to say to Diana that we all love you very much and our hearts are with you and are with you forever,'' said Berry.

With a report by CTV British Columbia's Resmi Nair