Vancouver Aquarium staff say they are in no hurry to name to the baby beluga whale who was born at the aquarium on Tuesday afternoon.

"It's not going to happen any time soon,'' said aquarium spokesperson Kent Hurl,

He said health remains the priority for staff who continue to monitor the progress of the new calf and its mother Qila.

"It's pretty much all systems go,'' said Hurl when asked how mom and daughter were doing, Thursday.

In the hours after the baby was born on Tuesday afternoon, mother Qila appeared to show little interest in her new calf.

But things began to improve after Qila's mother Aurora was brought into the tank to show her daughter what to do.

Since the nursing process began, mother and daughter have been seen swimming together in perfect unison, with mom doing most of the work and baby gliding along in the slipstream, conserving her energy.

With a report by CTV British Columbia's David Kincaid.