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Yuletide festivities help kick off holiday season in Greater Victoria

Prepping for Victoria Santa parade

Greater Victoria has a host of yuletide festivities this weekend for residents ready to kick off the holiday season.

“(I) just like to take in as much as I can,” says Marilyn Lister, while browsing downtown Victoria shops Friday. “It’s just a nice time of year to enjoy everything.”

Victoria’s Peninsula Co-Op Santa Clause Parade winds its way through downtown streets Nov. 30 beginning at 5 p.m.

The host, Greater Victoria Festival Society, says there are 85 entries this year, which is up from the average of 60-65 – making it the largest parade to date.

“It’s fantastic that there’s that kind of support. And it just makes it a really magical experince,” says GVFS volunteer Jim Sturgill.

He’s been working with a team on the Peninsula Co-Op float and figures they’ve invested about 400 hours creating it – and approximately 20 cans of spray paint.

“It’s a lot of fun because you know a lot of people are going to see it and really enjoy it.”

The event collects cash and food donations in support of the Mustard Seed Street Church and Food Bank.

It’s also free along with the Downtown Victoria Business Association’s Lights of Wonder at Centennial Square. The display of lights runs through December, as a gift to the public from local business.

“What’s a bonus this year is we’ve been able to line it up to start Lights of Wonder at the same time as the wonderful Santa Parade,” says DVBA CEO Jeff Bray.

“It’s definitely been a slower year so anything that our efforts can do to bring people in and encourage them to support local is fantastic.” Top Stories


UPDATED Anita Anand will not seek Liberal leadership

Transport Minister Anita Anand announced on social media Saturday she will not seek the leadership of the Liberal Party, nor will she run for re-election in the riding of Oakville.

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