Most people have things in their closet that are too nice to toss, but too worn to wear. But there are some things you can do to help breathe new life into your old clothing.

First off, for less than $15, a fabric de-fuzzer can remove ugly pills and make your sweaters smooth again.

If putting your sweaters on hangers has given them nasty shoulder puckers, simply steam them away with a blast from your iron. Pat in place and let the fibres rest.

Tiny moth holes can be repaired by your dry cleaner. But if it’s bigger than a dime, toss it.

A collar that’s showing wear or stains can simply be taken off and flipped over by a tailor.

To keep your jeans from shrinking, take them out of the washer, and while they’re still damp, step on the hems, and give the waistband a tug. Then air-dry them.

If you’re tired of buttons breaking on your good shirts, button the shirt up and turn it inside out before washing. Your buttons will be protected.

Some useful products to keep on hand: Lip balm, to loosen stuck zippers, a crochet hook to easily fix clothing snags, and spend $6 on a brush and neutral-colored polish that’ll brighten your leather shoes.

If your favourite boots are truly worn, a visit to the cobbler can add years to their life.